
Petrochemical & Energy Consultant

Aman Amanpour is a Petrochemicals & Energy Consultant with extensive experience in both the European and Middle East petrochemicals, as well as integrated hydrocarbon industries. He participated in the development of the regional petrochemical, oil and gas industries and contributed to their global competitiveness and success.
His areas of expertise and the focus of his consultancy are detailed under
while his industrial and educational background is summarized under
News & Views
Germany's National Hydrogen Strategy was approved and announced on 10th June 2020. Aman Amanpour comments. Read more
Iran’s state of Petrochemicals: Observations, Obstacles, Options. Aman Amanpour opines. Read more
Some latest trends in and possible prospects of the global and regional petrochemicals 2018. Aman Amanpour opines.
Aman Amanpour's next
"Masterclass and Strategic Management in Petrochemicals"
will be held in Dubai 18-20 November 2018.
Aman Amanpour Presented and chaired the expert session at Petrochemical Days organized by Port Tarragona, Spain on 20 & 21 June 2018
Aman Amanpour Presented at 5th Platts European Petrochemicals Conference 5&6 Feb/2018 in Rotterdam.
The 12th GPCA, 27-29 Nov 2017 in Dubai under the theme: "The Chemical Industry in Transformation: A New Journey Begins". Aman Amanpour Comments.
Aman Amanpour's next
"Masterclass and Strategic Management in Petrochemicals"
will be held in Dubai 19-21 November 2017.
Aman Amanpour delivered a keynote presentation at the 5th CIS Petrochemicals Conference on 5&6 April 2017 in Moscow/Russia . The title of his speech was:
"Middle East Petrochemicals
Aman Amanpour's next
"Masterclass in Petrochemicals" and "Strategic Management in Petrochemicals"
will be in Dubai 30 April - 4 May 2017.
Middle-East Petrochemicals 2017 in the Global Context: Aman Amanpour opines.
Middle East Petrochemical Projects
This data-base is maintained and updated by Aman Amanpour for public and clients' use. Developed originally by his former Shell colleague and predecessor Larry Wheeler and updated for the past 33 years, it is the most comprehensive listing of existing and planned Middle East petrochemical projects available on the web, including plant locations, product slates, capacities, ownership, technologies and construction contractors.